As photographers, I can almost guarantee you can find the majority of our work in photos sitting on multiple hard drives. The problem with that is that once they’re on the hard drives they probably won’t see the light of day again unless you need to search for something. That is why I think printing your work and displaying it either at the office or in your home is great idea.
I use to think it was shameless self promotion having my photos hanging up in the house. Truthfully I was never a fan of the, “Hey, look at me,” type stuff. I’m still not, but it does bring a smile to my face when I walk past the hallways in my house and see my photos there. Makes feel proud.
As photographers, printing your work is one of the last things on your mind. Invoices, scheduling shoots, sending clients emails and all the other photography business related things we do on the regular, take up the majority of our time.
But there is something almost gratifying hold a print of your work in your hands. From seeing the image through your viewfinder to now holding something tangible in your hand is indescribable. I wouldn’t compare it seeing your newborn child for the first time, but there are some elements to that which are quite similar.
It’s your work, you should be printing your work. You should show it off and feel proud. It’s almost like opening gifts on Christmas when you receive the package and open it up for the first time. The smile it brings to your face is well worth it.
There are plenty of places to get your photos printed at. Mpix being one of the more familiar names, but there is no shortage of places offering to print your photos or make a canvas as well. I use Miller’s Labs for my prints and canvas work. They’re the parent company of Mpix and their turn around time is simply amazing.
And if you want to take a step further, you can always create a photo book of your work.
So stop leaving your photos to languish on your hard drives and start sending them off to the printers!
Photo by on Unsplash